
・But information is inert knowledge. (p. 59)

・Nevertheless, the real answer to the pessimist is that education is not merely the imparting of knowledge but the cultivation of certain aptitudes and attitudes in the mind of the young. (p. 64)
→”certain aptitudes and attitudes”= 4つのabilities?

・It may be noted that the three phases of effective thinking, logical, relational, and imaginative, correspond roughly to the three divisions of learning, the natural sciences, the social studies, and the humanities, respectively.(p.67)
→例えばeffective thinkingとGEの関係を述べているこの部分では,3分野の学習との関係を”the imparting of knowledge”などといった表現ではなく”learning”という語を用いて,”correspond roughly”といった表現でその対応関係を示している
→”the imparting of knowledge”≠”learning”?
→ここで「学ぶ」対象は,”knowledge”? “methods of knowledge”? “information”? “certain aptitudes and attitudes”?
