




1. 西洋の文明について尊重するが、東洋の思想を近代化を遅らせる要因として排除する。

2. 国家の独立が最大課題であるから、外来思想はすべて排除する。

3. 国家の独立は大切であるが、外国を尊重することとはまた別である。

4. 西洋文化は野蛮なもので排するが、東洋文化は崇高なものとして拝する。










[1] 平山洋著「福沢論吉における拝外と排外」玉懸博之編『日本思想史 : その普遍と特殊』、1997年、ベリかん社、449-464。

[2] 張建国著『福沢諭吉と儒学を結ぶもの』日本僑報社、1998年。

「学識」に関する比較研究 文献調査(ZHAI)


『福澤諭吉著作集』を中心に、彼の学問観を探っていきたいと考えております。今の段階はまったく深く読んでいないが、その第5巻『学問之独立 慶應義塾之記』(慶應義塾大学出版会株式会社、2002年)を読みたいです。予備理解として、以下の論文を読む必要もあるかなと思い、羅列しました。



3.平山洋「『学問のすすめ』と『文明論之概略』 」『近代日本研究』 25、2008、97-123。(二つの著作の関係を、時系列から分析した。)

4.慶応義塾『慶應義塾百年史. 別巻, 大学編』2008。







大学院議事録ポスト・ボイヤー 21(ZHAI)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learningの展開



1.SoTLの歴史は、E・L・ボイヤー(Boyer, Ernest L, 1928~1995)の1990年代の著作から始まった。伝統的な研究対教授の論争を超えて学識(scholarship)という概念を打ち出し、優れた教授も研究と同様の意識・手法で行うことを提唱した。その後、1994年から1998年にリー・シュルマン(Lee Shulman)らを中心にして、教授のピアレビューという概念をSoTLに持ち込んだ。




1. 背景

2. SoTからSoTLへの展開

3. SoTLを中心とした学識構造

4. SoTLの社会的な役割

【大学院ゼミ】ポスト・ボイヤーの大学教授職論研究19 1207議事録(Zhai )

Why the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning matters Today? In Pat Hutchings, Mary Taylor Huber, Anthony Ciccone, The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered: Institutional Integration and Impact, US: Jossey-Bass, 2011, 2-3.

  • 内容
      1. 学習を注意深く批判的にみること。SoTLは、教師を自分のコースおよびプログラムを改善するために、学生の学習に注意深く批判的に見ることを含んでいる。
      2. ラーニングに対する影響力、約束と挑戦。ラーニング改善に直接的かつ、明白に焦点を当てている無数の個人SoTLは、学生の強み、弱みを発見し、特別教授的戦略の有効性を証明している。しかし、大学がより一般的方法で、このような仕事に約束し、ラーニング効果を改善するかどうかは、すごく難しい問題である。一部の理由は、高等教育の集団は単にファキュリティ・プログラムと学生成績の間における、複雑な因果関係から、構図化するのみだからである。
      3.  FDSoTLはFDの一つの強い形式である。正式のFDセンターは、大学院生とSoTLにとって新しいファキュリティ向けのプログラム、文献へのアクセス方法、方法論的な専門知識、さらに方法論的な専門知識に着手するファキュリティへの補助資源、事業に着手するに役立つ他の資源、大学キャンパス内でティーチングするための一系列のフォーラム、を提供する。このような大学キャンパスにも、人々は機関的な応用に関する教授項目について統合している。FDのメンバー(彼らのディレクターとスタッフ)も、より広い機関的な環境で、SoTLと教授のことを関係づけるように、よく配置された。SoTLは、教授的需要と革新に重点を置くことによって、「束縛の物語」という通常の認識から、「成長の物語」まで転換した。改革の早期において、SoTLは、よくFDセンターの範囲を超えて運用されていた。
      4.  アセスメント。SoTLはファキュリティによる「ボトム・アップ」形式である。アセスメントは管理職による「トップ・ダウン」から始まった。大衆的な責任のために評価することは、学生たちが彼らの機関で、できるだけ多様な学習をすることである。
      5. Valueing, Evalueing 。ティーチングにおけるより大学的な文化を促進することによって、より良い評価は、教職員が、文献と教育・学習についての議論に、より多く、思考的に貢献することを、助長するだろう。そして、学生に有益な教育学的知識と使用を増加することができる。
      6. エビデンス。SoTLは、米国の高等教育だけでなく、世界的な範囲で、開業医、擁護者、主催者と他のサポーターを持っている。SoTLは何を学ばれるかについての関与があり、そしてティーチングの共通点に貢献する。


  • 議論
      1. 誰がSOTLを持っているか、誰がSOTLを持つべきか?
      2. SOTLの対象は誰であるか?誰を育っていくべきか?(SOTLの対象は主に教授であるので、この意味で、SOTLは自分の研究の後任を育てるだけに、意味合いが強い。さらに、よりよい市民を育てるのが目標である。
      3. SOTLは一個一個に単独したものでなく、個人及び集団で、コミュニティを形成する。これら形成されたコミュニティで、知識習得のpublic化を可能にする。
      4. 消費者と英産者の視点からSOTLを再解釈する。






【大学院ゼミ】ポスト・ボイヤーの大学教授職論研究16 1102議事録(Zhai )

<1>     ・大学の多様性と一貫性:大学は一貫性と多様性の特徴を持っている。

<2>     ボイヤーの学識概念:多様性と一貫性でボイヤーの学識概念がどのように解釈できるか。

(ZHAI 理解)





11月16日:MASHINO 発表 「知識」について。


SE文献リスト:TA とZHAI






【大学院ゼミ】ポスト・ボイヤーの大学教授職論研究11  Zhai 担当

Bowden, Randall G. 2007. “Scholarship Reconsidered: Reconsidered.” Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 7(2): 1-21.

『学識再考』に関する再考(Scholarship Reconsidered: Reconsidered

Randall G. Bowden

要約:Gaoyan Zhai

1990年にボイヤーはファキュリティの役割を四つの学識に分類した。この四つの学識(scholarship)は発見(discovery)、統合(integration)、応用(application)、教育(teaching)である。本論はこの教育の構成を七つの研究アプローチを基に調べた。これらのアプローチは、意図(purpose)、背景、前提(premise),概観、分析と結論、含意(implications)、提案(recommendation)である。意図は教授の学識(scholarship of teaching)の背景を形成した。この背景は、学者たちが優位なこととして、教授から研究基盤としての「教授の学識」を分離すべきこと、を簡単に概略した。前提は、「教授の学識」を「教授の行為」として正確に問題解決するとみなす事である。概観部分で、現在主要な「教授の学識」に関するモデルと発展が検討された。分析は学識の概観における有益な結果として認められている。学識の概観と同じように、分析によって深い意味合いが生じた。この論文は、ボイヤーの教育、研究とサービスから四つの学識理解に新しい解釈を加えた。結論の提案で教育の行為における卓越性のモデル構築に必要な次の課題をさらに提唱した。


l  背景

1.より専門的・上位的な方向:Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning(CASTL) の設立

1) PEW National Fellowship Program for Carnegie Scholars

2) Lilly Foundation(ファキュリティ・ラーニング・コミュニティ


2.訓練(disciplines)と習慣から教授の学識の向上を図る。学者的な教授(scholarly teaching)理解から「教授の学識」を分離する。


l  前提



l  概観


1.    教授の学識モデル(Scholarship of Teaching Model, SofT)

これは、ファキュリティが内容(問題の叙述)・過程(問題解決の方法)・前提(問題の基礎)の反映から、知識を取得し、変形学習(transformative learning)理論により、理論的に構築されたものである。

2.Trigwell,  Mratin,  Benjiamin, とProsserモデル

3.訓練モデル(Disciplines Model)の分析

4.教授の学識調査(Scholarship of Teaching Inventory)




l  分析と結論


語彙統計(Lexical Statistics):単語分析による統計

修辞学分析(Rhetorical Analysis)

修辞学分析における問題への回答(Answering the Questions of Rhetorical Analysis)


l  含意






l  提案










【大学院ゼミ】ポスト・ボイヤーの大学教授職論研究4 Boyer のScholarship Reconsideredの関連文献

1990年代から2010年代まで、ボイヤーのScholarship Reconsideredに関する議論を整理しました。以下は年代順のリストである。ブルーの部分は添付ファイルのPDFですので、ご参考してくれたらありがたいです。

Hunt, Gary T., “Scholarship Reconsidered and Its Impact on the Faculty Member.”scholarship reconsidered and its impact on the faculty member

Outside demands on universities to improve the manner in which they operate have placed increased pressure on faculty members to examine how they spend their time. Because administrators often resist any pressure to change the way they do business, faculty often find themselves in a situation of adjusting to a changing set of values and reward systems which may not be reflected in the culture of their immediate unit, division, department, or college. This paper discusses the changing priorities of faculty members and the potential impact of these changes on the professorate. It also examines each of the types of scholarship identified in Ernest L. Boyer’s “Scholarship Reconsidered, Priorities of the Professoriate”. This book’s influence on the established climate and culture of American higher education, particularly its influence on the role of the faculty member, is explored.

Boileau, Don M., “’Scholarship Reconsidered’: A Challenge To Use Teaching Portfolios To Document the Scholarship of Teaching,” Journal of the Association for Communication Administration (JACA), n3-4, 1993, pp.19-24.scholarship reconsidered a challenge to use teaching portfolios to document the scholarship of teaching

Shows how communication instructors and departments might benefit by using teaching portfolios as a means of promoting the scholarship of teaching. Draws on Ernest L. Boyer’s research in defining teaching as scholarship. Outlines how such portfolios would be constructed and used by faculty.


Locke, Lawrence F., “The Fourteenth Dudley Allen Sargent Commemorative Lecture, 1995. An Analysis of Prospects for Changing Faculty Roles and Rewards: Can Scholarship Be Reconsidered? “Quest, 1995, 47(4), pp.506-24.

Examines Boyer’s book, “Scholarship Reconsidered,” using Sarason’s construct of regularities and Lewin’s force-field analysis model for understanding behavior, noting that implementation of Boyer’s proposals for renewing American universities through restructuring faculty roles and rewards requires devising strategies responsive to forces shaping the present regularities of academic life.


Chepyator-Thomson, Jepkorir Rose; King, Susan Elizabeth , “Scholarship Reconsidered: Considerations for a More Inclusive Scholarship in the Academy.” Quest, 48(2), 1996, pp.165-74.

The current scholarship model in higher education was conceived, produced, and reproduced in the image of the dominant culture. Within this model, minority group members receive less recognition, sponsorship, favorable evaluation, and positive commentary on scholarship. The paper discusses considerations for a more inclusive scholarship in higher education.

Boyer, Ernest L., “From Scholarship Reconsidered to Scholarship Assessed,” Quest, 48(2), 1996, pp.129-39.from scholarship reconsidered to scholarship assessed

This presentation revisited the Carnegie Foundation report, “Scholarship Reconsidered,” which discussed faculty roles and rewards, and outlined the framework for the follow-up report “Scholarship Assessed.”


Davis, Walter E.; Chandler, Timothy J. L., “Beyond Boyer’s “Scholarship Reconsidered.” Journal of Higher Education, 69(1), 1998, pp.23-64.Beyond Boyer’s scholarship reconsidered

Argues that despite good intentions, Ernest Boyer’s “Scholarship Reconsidered” fails as an analysis of and recipe for change in the university because it ignores the broader socioeconomic context within which it functions. Another conceptual model for promoting real change in the university, using a systems approach, is offered, and implications of its use are discussed.


Rice, R. Eugene, “Beyond “Scholarship Reconsidered”: Toward an Enlarged Vision of the Scholarly Work of Faculty Members.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 90, 2002, pp.7-17. beyond scholarship reconsidered

Examines Ernest Boyer’s 1990 Carnegie report, “Scholarship Reconsidered,” as a “tipping point”–a critical turning point in what is fundamentally valued and rewarded in the scholarly work of faculty members. Gives special attention to the scholarship of teaching and the scholarship of engagement


Wise, Greg; Retzleff, Denise; Reilly, Kevin, “Adapting “Scholarship Reconsidered” and “Scholarship Assessed” To Evaluate University of Wisconsin-Extension Outreach Faculty for Tenure and Promotion,” Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 7(3), 2002, pp.5-18.adapting scholarship reconsidered and scholarship assessed to evaluate university of wisconsin extension

Asserting the importance of universities reengaging with their communities, details how the University of Wisconsin-Extension built on the core principles presented in Boyer’s “Scholarship Reconsidered” (1990) and Glassick, H”uber, and Maeroff’s “Scholarship Assessed” (1997) to develop a robust definition of the scholarship of engagement and a rigorous model to assess it.


Wickens, Renate, SoTEL: Toward a Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning, Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 32(2), 2006, pp.21-41.

The publication of Ernest Boyer’s innovative study, “Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate” (1990), sparked sixteen years of academic studies, high level conferences, and campus teaching reforms in a movement that has come to be known as the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). During this same period, a rapidly developing study and practice of digital pedagogy, to be discussed here under the heading of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), generated its own extensive theoretical and practice-oriented literature. This paper is part of an ongoing work that explores points of intersection between SoTL and TEL in order to lay the groundwork for the latter as scholarship in Boyer’s sense of the term, that is, SoTEL. (Contains 7 endnotes.)


Bowden, Randall G. “’Scholarship Reconsidered’: Reconsidered,” Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, (7)2, 2007, pp.1-21.scholarship reconsidered reconsidered

“Scholarship Reconsidered” by Ernest Boyer generates a flurry of theoretical and applied activity. Much of the research centers on the concept of the scholarship of teaching as researchers explore what constitutes scholarship, which is often misdirected. Through lexical statistics and rhetorical analysis, the text is examined according to its overall intent with attention given to the scholarship of teaching. Results reveal the scholarship of teaching is a minor but important role and the text is intended for the renewal of the academy and society. Conclusions balance research based concepts advanced by scholars with the text’s intent.


Wasley, Paula, “Carnegie Foundation Creates New “Owner’s Manual” for Doctoral Programs,” Chronicle of Higher Education, 54(16), 2007, p.A9.

In his 1990 book “Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate”, Ernest L. Boyer, who was then president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, analyzed the balance between teaching and research in the scholarly endeavors of that era. His conclusion that the university rewarded research at the expense of teaching set in motion a series of reforms that sought to re-emphasize teaching as an integral component of scholarship. Seventeen years later, the Carnegie Foundation has again found academe lacking. This time, however, higher education’s most prominent advocates for teaching and teaching reform say that the research has been overlooked. Carnegie Foundation researchers, under the auspices of the foundation’s departing president, Lee S. Shulman, have undertaken a project as ambitious as Mr. Boyer’s: to take stock of the state of doctoral education and how it has responded to, or ignored, the challenges of the 21st century. Over a five-year period ending in 2005, the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate monitored 84 Ph.D.-granting departments in six fields–chemistry, education, English, history, mathematics, and neuroscience. The project’s researchers tracked the selected programs as they analyzed departmental goals and performance, and made changes to improve their own effectiveness in meeting their goals. The group’s findings have been summarized in a 200-page book called “The Formation of Scholars: Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty-First Century” (Jossey-Bass). The book aspires to be a doctoral education “owner’s manual,” offering practical suggestions for promoting principles of progressive development, integration, and scholarly collaboration within Ph.D. programs.


Gordon, Mordechai, “What Makes Interdisciplinary Research Original? Integrative Scholarship Reconsidered,” Oxford Review of Education, 33(2), 2007, pp.195-209.what makes interdisciplinary research original

This paper focuses on the scholarship of integration in the field of education and argues that although it has gradually been moving into the mainstream of educational research, it is all too often judged on the basis of criteria more applicable to assess the scholarship of discovery. First, I examine the questions: what constitutes original research in education and what makes the scholarship of integration “original”. I assert that the reluctance on the part of many educators to consider integrative scholarship as original research is in part a result of the prevailing conception of originality that is too limiting and often not relevant to evaluate this form of scholarship. Such a conception is incompatible with the valuable lessons that constructivism has taught us about knowledge and learning. Finally, I propose a number of criteria to evaluate integrative research studies, ones which are different from those that apply to other forms of scholarship.


Pescosolido, Bernice A., “The Converging Landscape of Higher Education: Perspectives, Challenges, and a Call to the Discipline of Sociology,” Teaching Sociology, 36(2), 2008, pp. 95-107.the converging landscape of higher education

Across the field of higher education and within the discipline of sociology, several important reconceptualizations of academic work have emerged. While not absolutely in sync, there is a striking overlap across three of the most visible of these: Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered, Carnegie’s Stewardship of the Discipline, and Burawoy’s Public Sociology. Putting the development of these conceptualizations into the larger context of shifts in higher education, I briefly review each, putting special emphasis on the synergy among them. However, despite these overarching guides and a number of other noted innovations (particularly in the scholarship of teaching and learning), new challenges have arisen. I end by discussing these new developments, drawing from basic sociological research to provide insights for maintaining gains and pushing these efforts forward. In particular, SoTL and the aging of the cohort of leaders who pioneered these redefinition efforts emphasize the importance of Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) programs, and the placement of new PhDs with this broad vision in PhD-granting departments, as well as in liberal arts colleges and universities.





【大学院ゼミ】ポスト・ボイヤーの大学教授職論研究3 Carnegie財団関連リスト


1.Stepwards of the Discipline , Public Sociology (Burawoy)

2.Scholarship of Teaching and Learning、Innovations





international SoTL機構


Selections from Carnegie Foundation Publications

An Annotated Bibliography of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Fall 2002) compiled by Pat Hutchings, Chris Bjork, and Marcia Babb

Approaching the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,” by Pat Hutchings. Introduction to Opening Lines: Approaches to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Ethics and Aspiration in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning  by Pat A. Hutchings. Introduction to Ethics of Inquiry: Issues in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Foreword to Ethics of Inquiry: Issues in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Lee S. Shulman

Inventing the Future,” by Lee S. Shulman. Conclusion to Opening Lines: Approaches to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Situating the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation,” by Mary Taylor Huber and Sherwyn P. Morreale. Introduction to Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Exploring Common Ground

Surveying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (PDF) by Mary Taylor Huber and Pat Hutchings from The Advancement of Learning: Building the Teaching Commons.

Articles from Periodicals

Balancing Acts: Designing Careers Around the Scholarship of Teaching,” by Mary Taylor Huber, in Change, July/August 2001. Volume 33, Number 4, Pages 21-29.Balancing Acts Designing Careers Around the Scholarship of Teaching

Making Differences: A Table of Learning,” by Lee S. Shulman, in Change, November/December 2002. Volume 34, Number 6. Pages 36-44.

The Scholarship of Teaching: New Elaborations, New Developments,” by Pat Hutchings and Lee S. Shulman. Originally published in the September/October 1999 issue of Change.the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education

Taking Learning Seriously,” by Lee S. Shulman, in Change, July/August 1999. Volume 31, Number 4. Pages 10-17.taking learning seriously

Public Presentations

Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
by Mary Taylor Huber. Presented at the 7th International Improving Student Learning Symposium, September 1999.

From Minsk to Pinsk: Why A Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,” by Lee S. Shulman (PDF). Published in the first issue of The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL), and based on a presentation to the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) at its 2000 annual meeting in Anaheim, CAFrom minsk to pinsk why a scholarship of teaching and learning

Sensible Change in a Confusing Policy Environmentby Katharine C. Lyall. The keynote address at the 2006 CASTL Colloquium on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Madison, Wisconsin on April 1, 2006.

Visions of the Possible: Models for Campus support of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,” by Lee S. Shulman. Based on comments made at meetings during November and December, 1999, bringing together research university faculty and administrators interested in the advancement of teaching and the scholarship of teaching.

External Links

“Developing Discourse Communities Around the Scholarship of Teaching” by Mary Taylor Huber in National Teaching and Learning Forum, October 1999, Volume 8, Number 6.

The Scholarship of Teaching (external link) by Eileen Bender and Donald Gray. The introduction published in a special issue of the Indiana University journal, Research and Creative Activity.the scholarship of teaching new elaborations new developments

The Scholarship of Teaching: What’s the Problem? (external link)
by Randy Bass. Published in the online journal Inventio at George Mason University.

Other Links

The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

【大学院ゼミ】ポスト・ボイヤーの大学教授職論研究2 BoyerのScholarshipに関する著作、論文


1.Boyer, Ernese L., Ernest L. Boyer: Selected Speeches, 1979-1995, CA: San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Inc., 1997.

Shortly before his death in December 1995, Dr. Ernest Boyer (former President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teachers); working in consultation with his wife, Kay, developed a list of speeches from his Carnegie years that touched on several of the abiding principles underpinning his work. Many of the speeches chosen for this collection were delivered during the first half of the 1990s, an especially prolific period for Dr. Boyer and the Foundation. After the Foreword (Lauren Maidment Green), the collection is divided into three major themes. The first section, “Schools,” The next section, “Colleges and Universities,”  The final section, “Challenges and Connections.”

2.Boyer, Ernese L., “From Scholarship Reconsidered to Scholarship Assessed,” Quest, 48(2), 1996, pp. 29-39.

This presentation revisited the Carnegie Foundation report, “Scholarship Reconsidered,” which discussed faculty roles and rewards, and outlined the framework for the follow-up report “Scholarship Assessed.”

3.Boyer, Ernest L., “The Scholarship of Engagement,” Journal of Public Service & Outreach, 1(1), 1996, pp.11-20.

Scholarship of engagement has meaning at two levels: (1) connecting the university’s rich resources to the most pressing social, civic, and ethical problems, making it the staging ground for action; and (2) creating a climate in which academic and civic cultures communicate more continuously and creatively, enlarging the universe of human discourse and enriching the quality of life for all. (MSE)

4.Boyer, Ernest L., “The Scholarship of Teaching: From ‘Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate.’ College Teaching, 39(1), 1991, pp.11-13.

The excerpt from the Carnegie Report stresses the need for a more inclusive definition of a scholar; recognition that knowledge is acquired through research, synthesis, practice, and teaching; use of “creativity contracts” that broaden, individualize, and give continuity to faculty careers; and aggressive support of teaching in research universities and graduate schools.

5.Boyer, Ernest L., Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate, NJ: Lawrenceville, Princeton University Press,1990.Scholarship Reconsidered